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A strong earthquake hit causing heavy casualties to Haiti,there is news that the final death toll may be as high as 50 million ,people affected by the volume of over 3 million is huge.强烈地震袭击给海地造成重大人员伤亡,有消息称最终死亡数字有可能高达50万,受影响民众数量则达300万之多.
Due to the lack of relief capacity in Haiti delays in foreign aid a smooth place,Haiti,the disaster is getting worse.Due to lack of supplies,lack of effective control over the security situation in Haiti has begun looting and other criminal activities.由于海地缺乏救援能力而国外援助迟迟无法顺利到位,海地灾情正不断加剧.由于物资缺乏,安全局势得不到有效控制,海地已经开始出现抢劫等犯罪活动.
Yesterday,the angry protesters set up roadblocks with the body.Today,we can not go on like this,we need to rise!昨天,愤怒的示威者用尸体设置路障.今天,我们不能再这样下去,我们要奋起!
Witnesses said the damage was staggering.Tens of thousands of people are estimated to be homeless.
Haiti earthquake:history of natural disasters to hit the countryHaiti has been struck by a 7.0 magnitude earthquake,killing an unknown number of people.The small,impoverished country is prone to severe and deadly natural disasters,especially hurricanes.Severe deforestation,leading to flooding and landslides,and a lack of proper emergency services and infrastructure has resulted in the storms causing the deaths of thousands of Haitians.
Due to the lack of relief capacity in Haiti delays in foreign aid a smooth place,Haiti,the disaster is getting worse.Due to lack of supplies,lack of effective control over the security situation in Haiti has begun looting and other criminal activities.由于海地缺乏救援能力而国外援助迟迟无法顺利到位,海地灾情正不断加剧.由于物资缺乏,安全局势得不到有效控制,海地已经开始出现抢劫等犯罪活动.
Yesterday,the angry protesters set up roadblocks with the body.Today,we can not go on like this,we need to rise!昨天,愤怒的示威者用尸体设置路障.今天,我们不能再这样下去,我们要奋起!
Witnesses said the damage was staggering.Tens of thousands of people are estimated to be homeless.
Haiti earthquake:history of natural disasters to hit the countryHaiti has been struck by a 7.0 magnitude earthquake,killing an unknown number of people.The small,impoverished country is prone to severe and deadly natural disasters,especially hurricanes.Severe deforestation,leading to flooding and landslides,and a lack of proper emergency services and infrastructure has resulted in the storms causing the deaths of thousands of Haitians.
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