早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
3. Vision
In his speech, Speaker in order to give full play to influence the exchange of the eyes, they watched a speech while watching his listeners, the success of speech that the vision is the best exchanges. Most of the speakers failed only read the script, and eyes to see the audience, so the speech is dull.
Western countries speech to the Chinese people, even from very far away, in his glance audience, the response will be observed that the eyes of the Chinese people to avoid the exchange, so feedback is often disappointing. Western countries of the listeners who glance at the report, they will head to both sides that they have been listening to the lectures with rapt attention.
Chinese people avoided eye contact for another reason that the distinguished speakers, but the Westerners have the impression it is not resist listening to each other, not interested in the contents of the speech. China's speaker and the audience mutual humility avoided eye contact, it is incomprehensible to Westerners. At the same time, a vision avoid contact with the audience the speaker, such behavior will feel the audience ignored, the speaker's speech will lose interest or even contempt for speaker himself, said: "He individual shy."
Eastern and Western environmental conditions there are differences, Westerners in his speech before the audience hope that the speaker must have the specific conditions of speech; China have said that specific statements of qualifications is Ziwochuishi performance. According to Chinese modestly regulated speech is the attitude of humility and Mark SILADI, and should be designed to occupy the time and the audience expressed regret. Westerners in his speech at the beginning of this report may say he is meticulous in studying the results of the past few years, China is likely to speakers talk about the topic he knows little, but should not neglect the invitation of a friend. In this situation can be drawn from China's why there is no vision, speech communication, because he was unable to show off their own strengths, and always their own strengths into their own weaknesses.
In his speech, Speaker in order to give full play to influence the exchange of the eyes, they watched a speech while watching his listeners, the success of speech that the vision is the best exchanges. Most of the speakers failed only read the script, and eyes to see the audience, so the speech is dull.
Western countries speech to the Chinese people, even from very far away, in his glance audience, the response will be observed that the eyes of the Chinese people to avoid the exchange, so feedback is often disappointing. Western countries of the listeners who glance at the report, they will head to both sides that they have been listening to the lectures with rapt attention.
Chinese people avoided eye contact for another reason that the distinguished speakers, but the Westerners have the impression it is not resist listening to each other, not interested in the contents of the speech. China's speaker and the audience mutual humility avoided eye contact, it is incomprehensible to Westerners. At the same time, a vision avoid contact with the audience the speaker, such behavior will feel the audience ignored, the speaker's speech will lose interest or even contempt for speaker himself, said: "He individual shy."
Eastern and Western environmental conditions there are differences, Westerners in his speech before the audience hope that the speaker must have the specific conditions of speech; China have said that specific statements of qualifications is Ziwochuishi performance. According to Chinese modestly regulated speech is the attitude of humility and Mark SILADI, and should be designed to occupy the time and the audience expressed regret. Westerners in his speech at the beginning of this report may say he is meticulous in studying the results of the past few years, China is likely to speakers talk about the topic he knows little, but should not neglect the invitation of a friend. In this situation can be drawn from China's why there is no vision, speech communication, because he was unable to show off their own strengths, and always their own strengths into their own weaknesses.
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