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2013 年中国将在天津举办第六届东亚运动会,假如你是天津市某中学高二年级三班学生李华,你班就东亚会将给天津带来的影响展开了激烈的讨论。请根据下表内容给 <<21 世纪报 >> 的编辑写一封信,说说你们讨论的结果以及你个人的看法。



1. 增加就业机会,促进旅游业的发展

1. 交通拥挤

2. 使市民响应低碳生活,增强环保意识

2. 造成污染,破坏环境

3. 让世界更了解中国,使天津更美丽

3. 资源浪费





词数:不少于 100 字。



参考词汇 : 低碳 low carbon

响应 respond

Dear editor

     The 6 th East Asian Games will be held in Tianjin in 2013. ___________________________


Dear editor

      The 6 th East Asian Games will be held in Tianjin in 2013. Recently our class have had a discussion about its effects on Tianjin.

      Some students believe there are many good effects. They think East Asian Games will not only help more people find jobs but also prosper tourism and make our city more beautiful. They also hold the view that the Games will ensure people in Tianjin to respond to the idea of having a green low carbon life and call on all the citizens of Tianjin to experience the benefits from the event. Besides people in Tianjin will catch the golden chance of communicating with foreign friends from other Asian countries creating a more peaceful world together. Finally it will make China better known to the world. Others think the Games will also bring some trouble. For example at that time the traffic will be heavier and the environment will more or less be destroyed. Furthermore holding East Asian Games will also cause more pollution and waste some resources.

      So I think the Games have both good/positive and bad/negative effects. And it is certain that our government will take measures to avoid the negative situation. What’s more our competitors will do better in the 2013 East Asian Games.

                                                        Yours truly

                                                               Li Hua

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