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用used to造3个句子再变成肯定句 否定句 一般疑问句 回答句 同意句

用used to造3个句子再变成肯定句 否定句 一般疑问句 回答句 同意句
1.肯定句:He used to be a teacher.
同义句:He was a teacher in the past.
否定句:He usedn't to be a teacher.或:He didn't use to be a teacher.
一般疑问句:Used he to be a teacher?或:Did he use to be a teacher?
肯定回答:Yes,he used.或:Yes,he did.
否定回答:No,he usedn't.或:No,he didn't.
2.肯定句:I used to get up early.
同义句:I got up early in the past.
否定句:I usedn't to get up ealry.或:I didn't use to get up early.
一般疑问句:Used you to get up early?或:Did you use to get up early?
肯定回答:Yes,I used.或:Yes,I did.
否定回答:No,I usedn't.或:No,I didn't.
3.肯定句:They used to live here.
同义句:They lived here in the past.
否定句:They usedn't to live here.或:They didn't use to live here.
一般疑问句:Used they to live here?或:Did they use to live here?
肯定回答:Yes,they used.或:Yes,they did.
否定回答:No,they usedn't.或:No,they didn't.