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金银岛 作文翻译

Recently,I read a well-known adventure story book,which is written by Stevenson's "Treasure Island" of.Story takes place in the eighteenth century,Jeff.Dr Hopkins is a small boy,he was eager and enthusiastic about the sea treasure hunt.On one occasion,he went to the Treasure Island Treasure Hunt,with pirates,sailors deal experience to the crew between the sincere,loyal,hypocrisy,cruelty phenomena,witnessed terrifying scenes story.
Read the story of this adventure,so I have mixed feelings.Jeff masters.Dr Hopkins was originally a timid,shy children.After the father died,he started the adventure.In the adventure in the beginning,Jeff is just a cabin of the service,but he has the courage to fight with the enemy,and later recaptured from the pirate ship,and the self-proclaimed as the new captain.While Jeff.He Hopkins often impulsive,but he has shown extraordinary courage and extraordinary courage,which causes me to admire the endless.Jeff.He Hopkins With courage and courage,by a timid little boy who became a hero back the ship.Sometimes we encounter problems,
They disarray,not try to explore solutions.Just think,if we have the courage to try and dare to Jeff that the spirit of exploration,and many problems can be solved not do?
In the end the story,Jeff return later,did not mention that he assigned to the number of treasure,he had vowed never again do not treasure the.Has also often been troubled by a nightmare,dreamed of the sea and gold coins.Coin to make Jeff nightmares,rather than wealth and a dream; blind pursuit of material satisfaction,ultimately in vain; greed and the desire will never bring about a better life.If everyone understands the reason,I am afraid there will not be a quest for fame and fortune while some careerist unscrupulous things.

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