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雷锋走了,却留下了他那崇高的精神。或许在你的眼里耳里,总会看到听到一些冷漠的表情和言语。但每每听到一句“世上毕竟是好人多啊!”类似的话,作为新一轮接班人的你们,会有何感想呢?请根据你的所见所闻来呼吁一下社会对“爱”的召唤,写一篇《 Let the world full of love 》( 80 字左右)


There are so many things happening around us every day. Most are good things . But a few are bad things. Last night while I was watching TV a reporter said a little girl called Yueyue died from an accident. But she added sadly: There were some people walking by the poor girl but nobody helped her to move to the side except an old woman and just then she was alive after all. It made me feel very sad.



1 …cry   made sb. feel sad

1 It’s one’s duty to …

2 so poor people passing by move side be saved

2 care the people in trouble

3 so little so helpless can’t believe my eyes and ears

3 make our world… be filled with….…

4 …..

4 ……

                     Let the world full of love

While I was watching a report about a little girl called Yueyue on TV I__________________



There are so many things happening around us every day. Most are good things . But a few are bad things. Last night while I was watching TV a reporter said a little girl died from an accident. But she added sadly: There were some people walking by the poor girl but nobody helped her to move to the side except an old woman and just then she was alive after all. It made me feel very sad. While I was watching a report about a little girl called Yueyue on TV I was crying. It made me feel very sad and angry. That little girl was so poor. If one of the people passing by at first moved her to the side maybe she could be saved .she was so little and helpless. I couldn’t believe my eyes and ears. I didn’t know what they were afraid of. I only know everyone should help anyone in trouble.

In my opinion it’s our duty to help people in trouble. We should care for everybody and everything around us. If so I think our world will make more and more peaceful and beautiful. because the earth is our home.

Let the world full of love!

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