早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.That is not _________ kite.That kite is very small,but _________ is very big.( I )
2.The dress is _________.Give it to _________.( she )
3.Is this _________ watch?(you) No,it’s not _________ .( I )
4._________ is my brother._________ name is Jack.Look!Those stamps are _________.( he )
5._________ dresses are red.(we) What colour are _________?( you )
6.Here are many dolls,which one is _________ ( she )
7.I can find my toy,but where’s _________?( you )
8.Show _________ your kite,OK?(they)
9.I have a beautiful cat._________name is Mimi.These cakes are _________.( it )
10.Are these _________ tickets?No,_________ are not _________._________ aren’t here.( they )
11.Shall _________ have a look at that classroom?That is _________ classroom.( we )
12._________ is my aunt.Do you know _________ job?_________ a nurse.( she )
13.That is not _________ camera._________is at home.( he )
14.Where are _________?I can’t find _________.Let’s call _________ parents.( they )
15.Don’t touch _________._________ not a cat,_________ a tiger!
16._________ sister is ill.Please go and get _________.( she )
17._________ don’t know her name.Would you please tell _________.( we )
18.So many dogs.Let’s count _________.( they )
19.I have a lovely brother._________ is only 3.I like _________ very much.( he )
20.May I sit beside _________?( you )
21.Look at that desk.Those book are on _________.( it )
22.The girl behind _________ is our friend.(she )

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