早教吧作业答案频道 -->其他-->
Topic:Do you agree that people should have hobbies and do physical activities that are very different from one’s work?
When I was young,my parents encouraged me a lot to develop hobbies and do physical activities.I believe that people should have some hobbies and do physical activities that are different from their job,in order to live a more relaxed life,know more friends and have better inspirations in his work.
First of all,Hobbies other than one’s job can provide a good opportunity to relax and recharge.My current job is a programmer,but I’m very good at playing piano and playing basketball.These hobbies keep me busy in my spare time,and help me to build a positive attitude toward life.I spend the mornings in the weekends running in the park,and then play basketball with friends.Every day before I sleep,I will play piano for a while.Although sometimes I have to work overtime in the night,I still maintain the manner.
Secondly,hobbies that different from one’s job enable him/her to know more people from different background.For example,by learning chess,my sister knew a friend from NGO which helps kids to rebuild their school in western China,and this friend eventually changed my sisters’ major choice from Finance to Public Affairs.Some may argue that these changes are unpredictable,but it’s a fact that you grow more when you hear more different stories and opinions.
Finally,hobbies could provide inspirations to one’s work.For example,a British doctor likes to watch F1 games,and is amazed by the efficiency of the pit crews – they can replace the tires,fill the gas and accomplish a variety of other activities within as short as 4.3 seconds.He sent his team to learn from the pit crews,and applied the pit crew team’s model in surgery process,and significantly increased the success rate as well as the speed.If the man doesn’t like watch F1 games,it’s impossible for him to find the connection between pit crews and surgery doctors.
In conclusion,I believe that one should have hobbies and do physical activities other than his job,which help him to relax,provide more opportunities to make friends and learn from others,and also could bring inspirations to his daily work.
Topic:Do you agree that people should have hobbies and do physical activities that are very different from one’s work?
When I was young,my parents encouraged me a lot to develop hobbies and do physical activities.I believe that people should have some hobbies and do physical activities that are different from their job,in order to live a more relaxed life,know more friends and have better inspirations in his work.
First of all,Hobbies other than one’s job can provide a good opportunity to relax and recharge.My current job is a programmer,but I’m very good at playing piano and playing basketball.These hobbies keep me busy in my spare time,and help me to build a positive attitude toward life.I spend the mornings in the weekends running in the park,and then play basketball with friends.Every day before I sleep,I will play piano for a while.Although sometimes I have to work overtime in the night,I still maintain the manner.
Secondly,hobbies that different from one’s job enable him/her to know more people from different background.For example,by learning chess,my sister knew a friend from NGO which helps kids to rebuild their school in western China,and this friend eventually changed my sisters’ major choice from Finance to Public Affairs.Some may argue that these changes are unpredictable,but it’s a fact that you grow more when you hear more different stories and opinions.
Finally,hobbies could provide inspirations to one’s work.For example,a British doctor likes to watch F1 games,and is amazed by the efficiency of the pit crews – they can replace the tires,fill the gas and accomplish a variety of other activities within as short as 4.3 seconds.He sent his team to learn from the pit crews,and applied the pit crew team’s model in surgery process,and significantly increased the success rate as well as the speed.If the man doesn’t like watch F1 games,it’s impossible for him to find the connection between pit crews and surgery doctors.
In conclusion,I believe that one should have hobbies and do physical activities other than his job,which help him to relax,provide more opportunities to make friends and learn from others,and also could bring inspirations to his daily work.
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