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I know it upsets my mom that I smoke, but I really enjoy it. She says that if I am going to smoke, I should at least smoke 1. _____ cigarettes. She even tried to 2._____ my brand, Camels, with a different one. The taste just isn't the same, though. She has also tried to 3._____ me to cut down. I smoke about a package each day. I have entertained the idea of cutting back, but it just seems so 4._____ to go without smoking for much over an hour. Besides, I get a 5._____ amount of work done when I am smoking. If I can 6. _____on a cigarette while I am doing my geometry homework, my mind just seems sharper. I think I could quit, but it's like my dad always says, "If it's not broken then don't fix it." My mom says I'm 7._____ and tries something new every day to get me to quit or smoke less. Yesterday she took out the scissors and cut each cigarette in half. Despite her good 8._____, this actually made me angry.
Look, I know that smoking is 9._____ for my lungs and heart. Besides, cigarettes are really expensive. Especially, with all the 10._____ taxes the government puts on them. I figure I can quit when I finish college.
There is currently an all out attack on smoking in our country. This, however, has not been embraced by our youth. The number of adult smokers may be 11._____ , but smokers between the ages of 13 and 23 have actually increased by ten percent over the last ten years. What is 12._____ for this trend? Smoking advertisements in public places and on television and radio have been 13._____ . Where are kids getting their 14._____ to smoke?
The answer is that while our government has forbidden some types of ads, other kinds are still OK. Cigarette manufacturers spend 15._____ sums of money to get their message out. This is particularly true with our youth. These company's brand names are all over magazines and T-shirts 16._____ kids. They also give away fun items with their name on it at some events.
"It has been really hard for 17._____ against smoking to succeed with our youth," said one government official. "A lot of young kids almost think of cigarette companies as a good fairy who gives them 18._____ gifts. This has tremendous 19._____ on kids as they become teenagers. Sometimes the gifts that they give have words printed on them that actually 20._____ smoking is 'bad for kids'. This isn't the message that the kids take in, though."
1.filtered cigarettes 过滤嘴香烟
2.replace my brand (用另一种)取代骆驼牌
3.encourage 鼓励戒烟
4.tedious (没有烟抽似乎十分)乏味
5.a poisonous amount of work 一些有毒的事体
6.draw on a cigarette 吸烟
7.hooked 上瘾
8.good intentions 好意
9.hurtful 有害
10.remarkable taxes 可观的税率
11.considerable (成人烟民)相当可观
12.influence (对这种趋势的) 影响
13.responsible (媒体)负有责任
14.get encouragement 受到怂恿
15.magnificent 庞大的
16.targeting 把目标对准(少年)
17.campaigns (抵制吸烟)计划活动
18.imaginary 想象中的(礼物)
19.significance 意义重大
20 proclaim 表明(吸烟对少年有害)
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