Don’t smoke in bed ------it causes 1000 fires a year many with fatal (致命的)results.
Don’t overload your electrical points: the right way is “one appliance(电器) one socket”(插座).
Don’t use an electric underblanket over you or an overblanket under you. An underblanket unless of the low- voltage type MUST be switched off before you get into bed.
Never let furniture or clothing get close to a lighted fire. Make sure that there is a suitable guard for the room heater.
Keep aerosol-type containers (喷雾器)away from heat and NEVER burn or puncture(刺穿)them.
Don’t dim a table lamp by covering it: buy a low-wattage bulb(灯泡).
Pajamas (睡衣)and nightdresses especially for children and elderly people should be made from flame- resistant material.
Close the door of the room and any fanlight or other opening and block up any cracks (缝隙)with bedding etc.
Go to the window and try to attract attention.
If the room fills with smoke lean out of the window unless prevented by smoke and flame coming from a room below or nearby. If you cannot lean out of the window lie close to the floor where the air is clearer until you hear the fire brigade(队).
If you have to escape before the fire brigade arrives make a rope by knotting together sheets or similar materials and tie it to a bed or another heavy piece of furniture.
If you cannot make a rope and the situation becomes intolerable(难耐的),drop cushions or bedding from the window to break your fall get through the window feet first lower yourself to the full extent of your arms and drop.
If possible drop from a position above soft earth. If above the first floor drop only as a last resort.
1. According to the instructions fires in the bedroom can be caused by ________.
A. one appliance one socket
B. smoking in bed
C. underblankets of the low- voltage type
D. all of the above-mentioned points
2. In the bedroom you are told _______.
A. not to use an electric underblanket or an electric overblanket.
B. to use an underblanket of the low-voltage type
C. to switch off an underblanket of the low- voltage type
D. not to use an electric underblanket over you
3. You should keep furniture or clothes away from a lighted fire because ________.
A. the fire is too low
B. furniture or clothes block light
C. there is no guard in the room
D. furniture or clothes catch fire easily
4. If you are cut off by fire you should first ______.
A. try to stop smoke from coming into the room
B. lie down and wait for the fire brigade
C. escape by jumping immediately out of the window
D. close the window and call for help
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