早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
There is a difference between American and European customs in using the knife and fork.Europeans keep the knife in the right hand,the fork in the left.They use both hands in eating.Americans,on the contrary,use just one hand whenever possible and keep the other one on their lap.They constantly change their fork to the left hand when they have to cut meat.Between bites they put the fork on their plate while drinking coffee or buttering bread.Europeans are more apt to drink coffee after the meal and to keep their knife and fork in hand until they finish eating.
There is a difference between American and European customs in using the knife and fork.Europeans keep the knife in the right hand,the fork in the left.They use both hands in eating.Americans,on the contrary,use just one hand whenever possible and keep the other one on their lap.They constantly change their fork to the left hand when they have to cut meat.Between bites they put the fork on their plate while drinking coffee or buttering bread.Europeans are more apt to drink coffee after the meal and to keep their knife and fork in hand until they finish eating.
There is a difference between American and European customs( in using the knife and fork).Europeans keep the knife (in the right hand),the fork (in the left).They use both hands( in eating).Americans,(on the contrary),use just one hand whenever possible and keep the other one on their lap.They constantly change their fork to the left hand【 when they have to cut meat】.(Between bites) they put the fork on their plate【 while drinking coffee or buttering bread】.Europeans are more apt to drink coffee (after the meal) and to keep their knife and fork in hand until they finish eating.
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