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Why do people wear clothes? The answer will probably be “To 1 m____________ me warm and to cover my body”. That’s why people wear clothes but people 2 a ____________ want to look attractive and appear successful to others.

If people only wore clothes for warmth and to cover their bodies most clothes would be simple and 3 c ___________ . In many countries however clothes are sometimes very expensive. The main 4 r ___________ for this is not the cost of the materials or the cost of making clothes. The clothes are expensive because of fashion.

Successful businessmen for example often wear very expensive suits shirts and ties. So they pay thousands of dollars 5 f ____________ a suit and hundreds of dollars for a tie. It’s still just a suit and a tie but they pay these prices because of the 6 f _____________  designer.

Fashion is constantly (持续不断的) 7 c ____________ . It means that people who want to be fashionable have to buy new clothes every few months 8 e____________ if last month’s clothes have only been worn once or twice. Some people have boxes 9 f___________ of clothes but some of these clothes have never been worn. These clothes are no 10 l _________  in fashion though they are still new.


1. make          2. also            3. cheap         4. reason        5. for  

6. famous         7. changing        8. even         9. full          10. longer

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