早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.Is he in Room( --Yes,he ( )
A.a ,is B.One,is C.a,are D.One,are
2.( )is your father?__He is in the office.
A.How B.What C.Where D.Where is
3.Come ( ) sit down,please.
A.to there B.here C.where D.here and
4.Do not ( ) on your head.
A.to stand B.stand C.standing D.stands
5.( ) down and show ( )one.
A.Jump,we B.To jump,us C.Jump ,us D.To jump,we
6.Let us play football,(
A.will you B.shall we C.shall you D.will we
7.See you ( ).
A.late B.later C.be late D.to late
8.How many ( ) do you see?--I see only one.
A.Japanese B.English C.America D.Austrilia
1.B 冠词a一般放在名称前面来修饰名称;
2.C 问地点;
3.D here,there,where都是副词,前面不加介词;and来连接两个动作come,sit
4.B 祈使句后面用动词原形;
5.C 祈使句(JUMP),后面us作宾语;
6.A Let's的时候包括说话的人,当开头是Let's时,一定要用shall we.其余都用will you(包括 Let us)不论肯定否定;
7.B 稍后见;
8.B 问句有many指复数 A的话要加S吧,而C,D得加n才是指美国人,澳大利亚人