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去杭州百里许,有一古刹,香火颇旺.一夕,有盗逾墙而入.犬吠,僧觉.盗劈僧首,立仆.遂越货而亡 .翌日,二小僧入室见之,讶甚.乃诣官府诉之,其犬亦从 .途经一酒肆,见五六徒狂饮.犬伫足不前,僧怪之.俄而犬跃入肆,啮一徒不置.僧疑为盗,缚而送官.吏审之,果然.盖犬亦有智也.
There was an old Buddhist temple very prosperous about 50 km to Hangzhou City.One night a thief came into the temple over the wall.The dog in the temple barked the monk awake.The thief killed the monk immediately by chopping in his head and carried the properties goods away.The next day,two young monks went into the room and they were very much shocked.The young monks went to the government to accuse followed by the dog.Passing by a pub in which a gang of five or six people is were drinking heavily.The monks felt strange the dog stopped and wouldn’t leave.In a moment,the dog jumped into the pub and bit a man and would not let him go.The monks thought the man might be the thief and tied him to the official.The official took the case and found that it is true.It turns out that the dogs are wise.
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