早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享

请将下列英语句子转为宾语从句1、She said to us," I'll come here tomorrow."2、The teacher said to me,"The earth is round."3、The mother said,"Tom,get up please."4、The teacher siad to the students,"Don't waste your time."5、She asked

1、She said to us," I'll come here tomorrow."
2、The teacher said to me,"The earth is round."
3、The mother said,"Tom,get up please."
4、The teacher siad to the students,"Don't waste your time."
5、She asked."Is that book your or his?"
6、She siad to Tom,"Can you hlep me?"
7、"Where does your chemistry teacher live?karen." The young man asked.
She told us that she would go there the next day.
The teacher told me that the earth is round.
The mother told Tom to get up.
The teacher told  the students not to waste their time.
She asked me if that book was mine or his.
She asked Tom if he could help her.
The young man asked Karen where his chemistry teacher lived.