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Kitty,my daughter,has started high school.One day,her school coach encouraged her to try out for the basketball team.Her first thought was that she would ask a friend to try out with her.I told my daughter that she needed to make her own decision.I didn’t want her to do something just because her friends were doing it.At the same time I didn’t want her to miss some great opportunities in life just because her friends were not doing it.
My daughter and I always talk about her future,her hopes and her dreams.And I give myself enough time to sit down and listen to what my daughter is saying.
I’m always asking my daughter’s opinions on important things.I think children see the same things through different eyes.If you respect their opinions,they will listen to and take your advice.Show your children respect and they will learn to respect others.Remember that our children learn from us,and we are our children’s first teachers.
( ) 1.When a coach encouraged Kitty to become a member of the basketball team,what did she think first?
A.She didn’t like playing basketball.
B.She should listen to her parents’ advice.
C.She wanted her friend to go with her.
D.She would try by herself.
( ) 2.What don’t Kitty’s parents do?
A.Give her advice.
B.Discuss important problems with her.
C.Encourage her to do things by herself.
D.Ask her to follow their opinions.
( ) 3.What does the writer think in the second paragraph?
A.Listening to the children’s opinions is very
B.Parents are always honest with their children.
C.Children like to listen to their parents’ advice all the time.
D.Children see the things like their parents.
( ) 4.What does the underlined word “respect” mean in
A.服从 B.尊重 C.反对 D.表达
( ) 5.What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Children should often talk with their parents.
B.Children should express their opinions.
C.Parents should encourage children to do things.
D.Parents should respect their children’s opinions
1c,Her first thought was that she would ask a friend to try out with her.
2d If you respect their opinions,they will listen to and take your advice.
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