早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


When a dad promised his seven-year-old daughter she would be a real princess,he wasn’t kidding.
    Jeremiah Heaton travelled to a(n)(21)___desert region of Africa to claim a controversial stretch of land in his daughter Emily’s name.Mr Heaton,the father of three children from Virginia,(22)___ a flag his children had designed in the(23)___ piece of land sandwiched between Egypt and Sudan after(24)___to Emily that she would one day be royalty.Mr Heaton found Bir Tawil,one of the last unclaimed pieces of land on the planet,which(25)___ about 1300 km sq of desert that has (26)___ been claimed by Sudan or Egypt.What he did is just considered by some people to be a (27)___ that is an inspiring display of paternal love(父爱).
It took Mr Heaton 14 hours to travel by wagon through the desert(28)___ he could plant the flag,which has a blue background and a seal and stars (29)___ the family.
    He may have completed his journey in June,(30)___it began at the start of the year when he was chatting to his young daughter.“Over the winter,Emily and I were playing,and she had a desire to be a princess.She asked me,in all(31)___,if she’d be a real princess (32)___,”Heaton said.“And    I said she would.”
    On his return Mr Heaton and his wife made a(33)___ for their daughter and asked friends and family to(34)___her as Princess Emily.Princess Emily,who sleeps in a custom-made castle bed,is showing(35)___ of being a generous ruler,and said that she wants to (36)___ children in the region have enough    food.
    Shelia Carapico,professor of political science and international studies at the University of Richmond,said it was not smooth-tongued or (37)___ for someone to plant a flag and say they have political control over the land without legal(38)___ from neighboring countries,the United Nations or other groups.(39)___,she said,it is not known whether people have ownership of the land,(40)___whether the property    is part of  a    political   nation.
21.A.deserted         B.precious          C.attractive  D.remote
22.A.planted          B.carried           C.buried      D.waved
23.A.undiscovered     B.unrecognized      C.unclaimed   D.undivided
24.A.keeping his word B.making a promise  C.giving in   D.looking forward
25.A.spreads          B.expands           C.covers      D.runs
26.A.never            B.seldom            C.often       D.hardly
27.A.move             B.plan              C.reply       D.thought
28.A.after            B.before            C.when        D.if
29.A.displaying       B.presenting        C.painting    D.representing
30.A.and              B.but               C.so          D.or
31.A.carefulness      B.kindness          C.seriousness D.hopefulness
32.A.everyday         B.every day         C.someday     D.some day
33.A.shirt            B.crown             C.promise     D.joke
34.A.refer to         B.deal with         C.talk of     D.look for
35.A.pride            B.interest          C.signals     D.signs
36.A.ensure           B.admit             C.suggest     D.advise
37.A.comfortable      B.reasonable        C.describable D.possible
38.A.realization      B.satisfaction      C.recognition D.consideration
39.A.In all           B.In addition       C.Above all   D.As a result
40.A.instead of        B.more than        C.rather than D.regardless of.
答案:21-25 DACBC  26-30 AABDB   31-35 CCBAD  36-40 ABCBD
21.D  形容词词义辨析  A.deserted 无人居住的,被遗弃的; B.precious 宝贵的,珍贵的; C.attractive有魅力的,迷人的;D.remote 遥远的,远离的; 根据下文可知,这里指的应是远在非洲的沙漠地区;故选D
22.A  动词词义辨析  根据下文(第三段中)出现的“plant the flag插上这面旗子”可知,此处应选A
23.C  形容词词义辨析  A.undiscovered未被发现的,隐藏的;B.unrecognized 未被承认的; C.unclaimed 所有主不明的,无人认领的; D.undivided 未分开的;根据下文“one of the last unclaimed pieces of land on the planet在地球上尚未被任何国家认领的最后一块领地”可知,此处是将一面旗子插在了埃及与苏丹之间的一片未被占领的沙漠;故选C
24.B  动词短语辨析  根据第一段提到一位父亲承诺将自己七岁的女儿变成真正的公主可知,这里的意思应是:在他向Emily作出承诺有一天她会变成公主之后,故选B
25.C  动词词义辨析  根据句中“1300 km sq”1300平方公里可知,此处指的是占地面积,A.spreads伸开;展开; B.expands  使…变大;扩张; C.covers 覆盖,占有;D.runs奔跑,运行,经营;故选C
26.A  副词词义辨析  根据上一句“Bir Tawil是地球上尚未被任何国家认领的最后一块领地”可知,此处指的是:从没被苏丹和埃及认领过的1300平方公里的沙漠;故选A
27.A  名词词义辨析  此处讲的是这位父亲的所作所为被一些人看作是一个令人鼓舞的显示父爱的举动;故选A
28.B  固定句型结构  此处是It+be/take+时间段+before句型,意为:“多长时间之后才”;本句的意思是:Heaton先生乘坐大篷车穿过沙漠长途跋涉了14个小时后才将旗子插到这里;故选B
29.D  现在分词词义辨析  此处是分词用作后置定语,修饰a seal and stars;意为:(旗子上面有着)代表他们家的标志和星星. B.presenting 展示;故选D
30.B  连词词义辨析  根据前后句的意思可以判断出,此处表示转折;意为:故选B
31.C  固定短语  in all seriousness意为:非常严肃地;本句的意思是:她非常严肃地问我,她能不能成为真正的公主;故选C
32.C  副词词义辨析  A.everyday形容词:每天的;B.every day副词:每天,天天; C.someday副词:将来有一天; D.some day副词:有一天,某一天;通常用于将来时态中;此处在句中作时间状语,因此应选副词,意为:将来有一天,她能不能成为真正的公主.故选C
33.B  名词词义辨析 根据文中Heaton先生承诺能够将自己七岁的女儿变成真正的公主可知,此处应是为她制作了一顶皇冠;故选B
34.A  动词短语词义辨析  A.refer to 称呼; B.deal with 应付; C.talk of 谈到,说及;由于上文提到Heaton夫妇为女儿制作了一顶皇冠,此处应是,他们让
35.D  固定短语  show signs of 意为:显示…迹象;此处意为:艾米丽公主的目前睡在定制的城堡床上,表现出了一名慷慨统治者所具有的形象;故选D
36.A  动词词义辨析  根据前一句a generous ruler(一名慷慨的统治者)可知,本句的意思应是:她想确保自己领地上的小孩能够过上温饱生活.故选A
37.B  形容词词义辨析 结合下文可知,本句的意思是:一个人插上国旗就说自己对土地享有所有权,却没有得到邻国、联合国或其他团体的法律认可,这是不合理的;故选B
38.C  名词词义辨析  结合上句的句意可知,此处指的是“未经邻国,联合国或其它团体的法律认可”;故选C
39.B  副词短语词义辨析  A.In all总共,合计; B.In addition 另外,除此之外; C.Above all首要的是,尤其;D.As a result结果,因此;  结合上文中提到“Shelia Carapico,…,said it was”可知,此处表达的意思是对前一句的补充,意为:另外,她还说,目前还不清楚人们是否拥有该土地的所有权;故选B
40.D  副词短语词义辨析  A.instead of 而不是…; B.more than 不只是,超过;C.rather than 与其…不如; D.regardless of 不管;承接上一句可知,此处意为:不管该财产是否是一个政治国家的一部分;故选D