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急!按要求写英语作文 急!以做番茄鸡蛋汤为题,写一个英语作文80——100词数.写完请将汉语翻译出来!谢谢!急急急!

急!按要求写英语作文 急!
tomato & egg soup,English Compositio n 番茄鸡蛋汤 英语作文 follow me to make tomato & egg soup 跟我如下做 1,peel off two pieces of tomatos 番茄去 皮 2,cut the peeled tomato into pieces and then put it into boiler(pot) 去皮番茄切片 入锅 3,cut one piece of green onion into 2 mil limeter segment and then put it into a s oup bowl 青葱切碎入汤碗 4,put one and half litre of water into the boiler 一升半水入锅 5,put salt,black pepper powder,cheese,MSG(only for Chinese),tomato paste,int o boiler 锅里放盐,胡椒粉,油,味精,番茄酱 6,fire the boiler,let the water boiling,and cook for 5 minutes,then step 7,烧开锅煮 5分钟,然后做第7步 7,take two eggs and stir egg,then put th e stired egg into the boiler,and stir the b oiler gently once.then cook 1 or 2 mimu tes,the soup is ready 打二个蛋,搅动好 ,倒入锅,稍微搅动下,水再开就起锅 8,pour the soup into the soup bowl in w hich this is green onion 锅中汤倒入有葱 的碗中 well,you take the taste soup 好了,美味 汤
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