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水平低者勿近.用英语解释几个英语单词,急用,1.hazy 2.over conscious 3.inferred 4.quarrelsome 5.commodore 6.abandon 7.abominate 8.honorable 9.respctable 10.toils 11.trials 12.tribulations.
水平低者勿近.用英语解释几个英语单词,急用,1.hazy 2.over conscious 3.inferred 4.quarrelsome 5.commodore 6.abandon 7.abominate 8.honorable 9.respctable 10.toils 11.trials 12.tribulations.
1.filled or abounding with fog or mist; indistinct in outline, can't see clearly
2. too conscious
3. get the conclusion with assumption
4. like to quarrel or argue very much
5. a commissioned naval officer who ranks above a captiain and below a rear admiral; the lowest grade of admiral
6. the trait of lacking restraint or control; reckless freedom from inhibition or worry; a feeling of extreme emotional intensity
7. hate
8. respectable; glorioius
9. characterized by proper behavior or conventional conduct; worthy of respect; deserving of esteem and respect; large in amount or extent or degree
10. work hard
11. attempts; try something
12. an annoying or frustrating or catastrophic event
2. too conscious
3. get the conclusion with assumption
4. like to quarrel or argue very much
5. a commissioned naval officer who ranks above a captiain and below a rear admiral; the lowest grade of admiral
6. the trait of lacking restraint or control; reckless freedom from inhibition or worry; a feeling of extreme emotional intensity
7. hate
8. respectable; glorioius
9. characterized by proper behavior or conventional conduct; worthy of respect; deserving of esteem and respect; large in amount or extent or degree
10. work hard
11. attempts; try something
12. an annoying or frustrating or catastrophic event
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