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有团队合作的能力怎么翻译?我同时培养了独立自主的决策力和团队合作的能力我卡在这:I have equipped with the abilities of independence and teamwork.动词不用管, 主要是后面的部分, 我原本是用 the ability of being independent后来想跟后面teamwork工整一点, 改成 independence.Question number 1:the ability of independence 和 the ability of being independent 是完全一样的意思吗?Question number 2:the ability to work as a team. 我的感觉跟 teamwork ability 一样, 都是形容人.但是否也和 the ability of teamwork 完全一样? the ability of teamwork 是形容团队的能力还是个人的能力? 还是有其他比较适合的变化比如 teamworking, teamworkship 来形容个人的能力?Question number 3:此处用 quality 会不会比 ability 更好Question number 3:除了I have also equipped with the abilities of being independent and to work as a team.还有没有其他的翻译可以建议?
Question number 1:the ability of independence 和 the ability of being independent 是完全一样的意思吗?A: 没错,这两个意思是一样的。Question number 2:the ability to work as a team. 我的感觉跟 teamwork ability 一样, 都是形容人.A: the ability to work as a team意思是说能够与人一起工作的能力。teamwork ability是说团队合作能力。所以这两个意思是一样,只是他的文法构造可能会比较不一样而已。可是,teamworking和teamworkship这两个字就算是对的,也没有人用。而且应该是错的= =,没有这两个字。所以别用。Question number 3:A: 看你要表达的意思。家Quality的话意思会变成你的团队合作有多好。变得好像在形容你的程度。所以如果你只是要说能力的话,用Ability会比较适合。Question number 4:A: 基本上,你打出来的这种说法在现实是很少人在用的= =.....你可以用这样的说法:I am independent, and I also have the skills of working with others as a team. 参考资料