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1、 当今越来越多的人到国外读书.
2、 出国留学的优势与劣势.
Studying abroad or home?
Nowadays,anincreasing of people studying abroad.They say they prefer studying abroad thanstuaying home.
What has led to the trend of studying abroad.Generally,itsadvantages can be seen as follows.firstly,stuaying abroad could improve theindependence of people and expend their horizons.Besides,the students who studyabroad can make friends with a variety of people from all over the world..And theirsocial circle will extend.Last but not the least,studying abroad is a wonderfulway for students to improve english level.
But every coin has two sides.the negative aspects of studying abroadare also apparent.One of the most important disadvantages is that it costs muchmoney for expense.What is more,because of different cultures,it is notconventient for students to studying and staying abroad in the beginning.
Studying abroad or home?to sum up ,it is depend on yourself.
你英语作文写的不错,但有以下几处错误.anincreasing of 中间掉了一个“number”,而且这句话缺少动词,studying是动名词形式,不能充当动词.stuaying.拼写错误 their social circle will extend.这句话用被动语态比较好 studying and staying abroad to不是介词后用原型,it is depend on 去掉is,我就看出这几个问题,其他的还行
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