早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


1.Do you know what’s the meaning the words he just said in the meeting? How can he said he will leave us soon? When will he go abroad? Do you know which one can manage the company instead him?
2.I am good at writing but I write badly in English.
3.If your father have power you will get a comfortable job easily.
4.My daughter is going to go abroad, and she will spend 5 years in the foreign country, shall I go abroad with her?
5.Mom wants children to follow with her forever. But children want them on the way of themselves. Everyone want to be themselves, so you can’t instead of anyone spend their life even if you are their mother.
1.Do you know what’s the meaning (OF)the words he just said in the meeting? How can he said (say) he will leave us soon? When will he go abroad? Do you know which one can manage the company instead him?
2.I am good at writing but I bad in English.
3.If your father have power you will get a comfortable job easily.
4.My daughter is going to go abroad, and she will spend 5 years in the foreign country, shall (should ) I go abroad with her?
5.Mom wants children to follow with her forever. But children want them on the way of themselves. Everyone want to be themselves, so you can’t instead of anyone spend their life even if you are their mother(s).
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