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英语答案 只要答案 在线等
1. He teaches French so well that every one of us enjoys attenging his class.(保持原句意思)
He is _____ ___ ____ French teache that every one of us enjoys attenging his class
2. John wondered when they would begin the word(改简单句)
John wondered when ____ ____ the word.
3. Human beings should keep the balance of nature(该被动语态)
The balance of nature _____ _____ ______ by human beings
4. The situation in that country is dangerous .You'd better not go there(保持原句意思)
____ _____ ____for you not to go to the country since the situation there is dangerous
5. At present, nobody in the country is able to deal witn the difficult problems properly.(保持原句意思)
____ ____ ____ ____ nobody in the country is able to deal witn the difficult problems properly.
6. Roddy's father is an elderly man,neither tall nor short ,but he is rather fit(保持原句意思)
Roddy's father is an elderly man,____ ____ _____,but he is very healthy.
7.lf you take s fish out of water ,it dies(划线部分提问)
______ ______ ,if you take s fish out of water
such a good
to begin
should be kept
It is better
For the time being
with moderate height
What happen
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