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求初3词形转换不会词形变换 1,The man who ( ) (speak) with a strange accent(口音)is Tom 2, America is an English-( ) (speak) country 3, English is ( ) (speak) in many countries in the world 4, English is ( ) (wide) used all over the world 5, You are ( ) (mistake) about the man who helped us yesterday 6, My hometown has changed ( ) (great) since 2000 7, You should be more ( ) (care) next time not to make suke a mistake 8, ''l've passed the examination'' the girl said ( ) (excite) 9, Mary practices ( ) (play) the piano every Saturday afternoon 10,( ) (slow) he went to the park 11,Do you learn English by ( ) (watch) English-language vidos 12,He washes his ciothes by ( ) (use) a washing machine 13,What about ( ) (read) the text aloud 14,How about ( ) (visit) the Great Wall 15,Have you ever ( ) (study) with a group 16,Antonio likes ( ) (practice) conversations with native ( ) (speak) 17,Practice ( ) (read) English every day and you'll learn it well 18,They are studying the ( ) (pronounce) of English 19,l find some of the piace-names barely ( ) (pronounce) of correct spelling 20,She has ever ( ) (pronounce) views on the importance of corrct spelling
speaks,speaking,spoken,widely,mistaken,greatly,careful,excitedly,playing,slowly,watching,using, reading,visiting,studied,practicing,speakers,reading,pronunciation,pronouncing,pronounced
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