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来信内容:Ever since I moved to this horrible place,things haven't been the same ,school has become a real prlblem,I haven't made any new friends yet and everbody here makes fun of my accent and calls me names,I'm fed up pf being alone,during breaktimes,My grades have dropped and I don't even want to go to school anymore,I've started to pretend I'm ill,so I can stay
at home ,What is happing to me You know that I'm a nice person,
I don't think I desewe this,How can I going to make all this stop
Please help me ,I really need your advice.
if u wanna get the respect from others...u should do sth to gain it rather than pretended as sick and stay at home with nothing to do ...however,it must be a period of time for everyone of us that melt into a new enviroment.I suggest u to work harder in the courses u take and do not concern abt anything else...follow your own course,and let people talk.
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