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  The first day of April is commonly known as April Fool's Day, and on this day people can play tricks(恶作剧) on their friends. For example, you can try to make one of your friends believe something that ____. If your friends falls into your trick, he or she is an April fool.
  “Rita, the head teacher wants you.” Said one of her classmates on April 1.
  “All right.” She answered and ran to the office building. When she finally ____, the teacher told her that he didn't want her.
  When Rita came back, everyone around her ____, “April fool!” Rita laughed too, but felt so sorry for having been made a fool.
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谏太宗十思疏唐魏徵臣闻求木之长者,必固其根本;欲流之远者,必浚其泉源;思国之安者,必积其德义。源不深  2020-12-14 …