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Ways of learning English

Not successful



Li Ying

studying grammar

memorizing the words of pop songs

reading English


Wang Bing

listening to cassettes

studying grammar

Liu Mei

watching English


joining the English


Li Ying has been learning English since she was seven. She thinks the best way to learn new words is by __1__. She says that __2__ also helps a little. As for studying grammar she finds it is too boring. Wang Bing feels differently. He’s been learning English for six years and really loves it. He thinks __3__ is a great way to learn a language. Liu Mei says that joining the English club is the best way to improve her English. She adds that __4__ is not helpful at all because the people speak too quickly.


make vocabulary lists ask the teacher for help work with a group read the textbook watch the English-language TV.


(A)1. reading English magazines 2. memorizing the words of pop songs 3. studying grammar 4. watching English movies (B)I have been learning English for about six years and really love it. I think the best way to learn new words is by making vocabulary lists. And reading the textbook is the best way to improve my English. Asking the teacher for help also helps a little. I don’t often work with a group. As for watching the English-language TV I find it’s not helpful at all because I can’t understand people who talk too fast.
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