早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


"Are you comfortable?"he asked me
"Shall I speak to him in person?"she asked
"Ishall tell him exactly what I think,"she said
"What a silly boy you are!"she exclaimed
"Don't climb this high tree in your new coat."The father toldhis son
"how much did the books cost?"he wanted to konw
"Put the magazines where they are."The teacher ordered the student.

he asked me if i was comfortable
she asked if i would speak to him in prison
she said isall told him what she thought
she exclaimed what a silly boy i was.
the father told his son not to climb this high tree in his new coat
he wanted to know how much the books cost.
the teacher ordered the student to put the magazines where they were.