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谁能把这篇文章翻译一下(翻成英文)多坚持一刻 传说,有两个人偶然与神仙邂逅,神仙教授他们酿酒之法,叫他们选端阳那天成熟、饱满起来的大米,与冰雪初融时高山飞瀑、流泉的水珠调和了,

快一点 5月26日要用
Many persist in a moment
Legends,there are two people occasionally met with the gods,the god of wine to teach them,ask them to election day Duanyang mature and filled with rice,and the early melting snow and ice at the mountain Feibao,Liu Quan reconcile the water,injected into the Millennium Zisha Taoweng fired into the soil,and then bathed in early summer,Chaoyang first of the new Dutch Guojin,confined七七四十九days,until the chicken is three times the early morning before the unsealing.
Each a legend,like the heroes,they remember the secret of the gods,experienced untold hardships,travel Qianshanwanshui,Fengcanlusu,Pianshouzhizu to Zhaoqi all necessary materials,to dream and look forward to reconcile with sealed,and then Zhao Na exciting waiting with great concentration,the moment is destined to come.
Day by day over time,how long the guardian ah.When the arrival of 49 days Shanshan,a jar of wine to be so excited they can not sleep all night,all through the night to put up their ears ready to listen to the voice of Jiming.Finally,far,came the Di Yisheng Jiti,the long and sonorous.And after a long long time,vaguely heard Dier Sheng,slow and low.Ah,and so on and so on,ah,the third times Jiti how come so slowly,when it will be sounded ah » 'll No longer the one he gave up another patient and could not wait to open the Taoweng,but the result,gave him a shock --
Wang is inside a water turbidity,yellow,like acid,like vinegar,as if breaking bitter bile general,a bad Guaiwei…… how will this » He regret it,but everything is irreversible,even with all his Duojiao ERA and sigh.Finally,he only disappointment that this inverted Wang sprinkling water on the ground.
And the other one,although the hearts of the desire like a raging wildfire burning barbecue in his hand several times want to open a jar covered,but just to ask,he has a hold on rising to the challenge,until Di Sansheng Jiti Xiangcheyunxiao ,A red Oriental,Ranran up - ah,how clear,sweet,Qinrenxinpi the Qiongjiangyuye ah!
Yes,many successful,with the only difference between losers,more often than the hard labor and sweat of the bloodshed,nor how Congmingguoren mind and the strategy,but only to their toughness and patience,lies Them to adhere to the moment - sometimes a year,sometimes a day,sometimes,just out Jiti.
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