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一首歌里有句歌词but if you close your eyes,求歌名,男人唱的,很多诶欧诶欧是首快歌

一首歌里有句歌词but if you close your eyes,求歌名,男人唱的,很多诶欧诶欧
Close Your Eyes

If you wanna know
Tomorrow morning I have to leave
But wherever I may be
Best believe I'm thinking of you
I can't believe how much I love you
All we have is here tonight
We don't want to waste this time
Give me something to remember
Baby put your lips on mine
And I'll love you forever
Any time that we find ourselves apart,
Just close your eyes
And you'll be here with me
Just look to your heart
And that\x12s where I'll be
If you just close your eyes
Till you\x12re drifting away
You'll never be too far from me
If you close your eyes
I know I'm gonna see you again
But promise me that you won't forget
Cause as long as you remember
A part of us will be together
So even when you're fast asleep
Look for me inside your dreams
Keep believing in what we're sharing
And even when I'm not there to tell you
I'll, I'll love, love you forever
Any time that I can't be where you are,
You just close your eyes
And you'll be here with me
Just look to your heart
And that's where I'll be
Just close your eyes
Till you're drifting away
You'll never be too far from me
If you close your eyes
Is there anywhere that far?
Any time you're feeling low
Is there anywhere that love cannot reach?
Oh no
It could be anywhere on earth
It could be anywhere I'll be
Oh baby if you want to see
Just close your eyes and you'll be here with me
Look to your heart and that's where you'll be
Just close your eyes till you're drifting away
You'll never be too far from me
“Close Your Eyes”
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