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按首字母填空!!Giant pandas are China's national treasure.They live in Sichuan,Shanxi,Gansu provinces.pandas have black and white f______.And they have big eyes and round ears. They are fat b______they move nimbly.They are really l_______animals.Pandas like to eat bamboo very much. They can c______trees and swim. They usually l______ for 20-25 years. But there are only about 1000 pandas.We must t______ out best to protect them well
Giant pandas are China's national treasure.They live in Sichuan,Shanxi,Gansu provinces.pandas have black and white __further____.And they have big eyes and round ears. They are fat __but____they move nimbly.They are really _lovely______animals.Pandas like to eat bamboo very much. They can _climb_____trees and swim. They usually live______ for 20-25 years. But there are only about 1000 pandas.We must _try_____ out best to protect them well
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