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写一篇以“My future hometown”为题的英语短文
要求:1.未来的家乡是一个绿色的花园,到处是绿树,鲜花,青草,新房,高楼. 2.无需出门,便可听见鸟儿唱歌,看见鸟儿飞翔. 3.有时你很难分辨大树与高楼.字数90左右 希望能简单易懂 不要写的太复杂就行 望大哥大姐们能速度帮帮小弟我...谢谢拉...
My future hometown
Have you ever dreamed of your future hometown Is it much better or much worse than today's Here is what i expect my hometown to be like in the future.
It is a green garden with lots of trees ,flowers and grass everywhere as well as new houses and tall buildings .Born and brought up here ,you can always hear birds sing,watch birds fly around and smell the fragrance of flowers without even stepping outside.Sometimes ,it is hard for you to tell the old trees from the buildings ,because there are houses amongst trees and flowers this is just my dream hometown ,my dream paradise .
Maybe it is just a dream ,but i m sure it will come true sooner or later .