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英语发言稿~主题是:Life in the future.要求就一个方面写.
比如:交通,医疗,教育等.字数够说5分钟就行 高一水平即可.
Of course we cannot know for sure what will happen in the future.However,by projecting present-day knowledge we can make some plausible guesses.This website presents stories and essays about the 21st century.In the essays,I try to create a convincing picture of how the century might develop,by writing from the vantage point of a future historian.
The approach I follow is that of science fiction,not fantasy.I am not interested in speculations that do not have a secure basis in science,such as telepathy,or time travel,or religious miracles.Predictions based on our current scientific knowledge are already astonishing enough.Consider these three statements,which have seemed like eternal truths for most of human history:
Everybody has to die.
Humans are the most intelligent beings in the world.
Living things are distinct from manufactured things.
In company with many futurologists,I think all three of these statements will probably be overturned during the present century:
Barring accidents,people will remain eternally young.
(Horrors!What about over-population?)
Unless we reinforce the human brain with faster hardware,computerised agents will surpass human intelligence.
(The machines will take over!)
Manufactured objects will acquire a complexity that rivals or surpasses plants and animals,thus blurring the clear dividing line that we now perceive.
(Things won't be natural any more!)
What will life be like in such a world?What will our role be?We need to think boldly and realistically about these issues,rather than retreating into pessimistic cliches or nostalgia for the present.