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第1段:Another problem is that she has no other friends.Wehave been friends since our first year at scondary school,which was four years ago,and she becomes jealous when i make new friends.It seems that she wants me all to herself.
第2段:Worst of all,she has recently started telling my other friends that I don't like them,or that I think I'm better than everyone else,and that's just not true.I have no idea why she's telling everyone lies about me,but I wish she would stop.If I call her a liar though,I'm sure she'll get really angry.
第1段的重点:no friens(1、in troduce some friends to her;2、ask her to Join some activities/clubs;3、try to in pare her personalty)
第2段的重点:tells lies about Donna(1、find eat the reason why she lies;2、tell her year felling hurt)

1.In order to solve your problem,you should somehow change her by introducing new friends to her,which will draw her attention away from you.Also,you can ask her to join some clubs so that she can meet some people herself.This is also a good way of relieving you from her over-loaded attention.
2.If you want her to stop lying,maybe you can start by figuring out why she would lie.You should also make sure she understands the situations when she lies.And then,you can tell her how very badly your feeling is being hurt.She will probably stop if she realizes your feelings; anyway,you are friends and she is supposed to cherish your feelings.

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