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英语翻译找出正确的选项,并把句子译成汉语1.\x05The air in Beijing is getting much ______ now than a few years ago.()A.clean B.cleaner C.cleanest D.the cleanest 2.My cousin has changed a lot.She used to be ______ but now she is tall.(

1.\x05The air in Beijing is getting much ______ now than a few years ago.()
A.clean B.cleaner C.cleanest D.the cleanest
2.My cousin has changed a lot.She used to be ______ but now she is tall.()
A.short B.thin C.pretty D.heavy
3.Mobile phones are very popular now and they are ______ than before.()
A.cheap B.cheaper C.cheapest D.the cheapest
4.—We spent all our money because we stayed at the most expensive hotel in town.
—Why didn’t you stay at _____ one?
A.a cheap B.a cheaper C.the cheap D.the cheaper ()
5.—Do you like western food?
— No.The food of our country is ______ that of western countries.() A.rather good than B.much better than
C.more better than D.not so good as
6.This is _____ that all of us believe it’s very important.()
A.such useful information B.so useful an information
C.so useful information D.such a useful information
7.— Mum,could I have an MP3
— Certainly,we can buy _____ one,but as good as this.()
A.a cheap B.a cheapest C.a cheaper D.the cheapest
8.The harder we work,the ______ result we will get.()
A.faster B.fewer C.better D.the cheapest
9.We should keep our eyes ______ while doing eye exercises.()
A.close B.closed C.open D.opened
10.Look at the man in the right picture.He is ______.()
A.right-handed B.left-handed C.no hand D.a hand
1B 现在北京的空气比几年前清洁多了.
4.B 我们花光了所有的钱因为我们住在镇上最贵的旅馆.
5.B 你喜欢西餐吗?
6.A 这是如此有用的信息以至于我们都认为它是很重要的.
7.C 我们可以买一个稍微便宜的额,但是质量和这个一样好.
9.B 做眼保健操时,我们应该闭上眼睛.