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系统提示ora-01555,如何加大rollback segment?
我的系统提示ora-01555,查询代码含义提示:ORA-01555:snapshot too old and how to avoid it Rollback segments hold pre-images of changed data.These pre-images are held for two purposes:to enable a transaction to be rolled back and,crucially,to enable Oracle to return read-consistent views of the data.This means that if you execute a long- running query or transaction,and someone else (or perhaps even your own transaction) subsequently changes the data that your query is accessing,Oracle will use the pre-images in the rollback segment to return the data to your query in the state it was at the moment the query started.建议:Increase the size/number of rollback segments 请问,如何加大rollback segment?
我的系统提示ora-01555,查询代码含义提示:ORA-01555:snapshot too old and how to avoid it Rollback segments hold pre-images of changed data.These pre-images are held for two purposes:to enable a transaction to be rolled back and,crucially,to enable Oracle to return read-consistent views of the data.This means that if you execute a long- running query or transaction,and someone else (or perhaps even your own transaction) subsequently changes the data that your query is accessing,Oracle will use the pre-images in the rollback segment to return the data to your query in the state it was at the moment the query started.建议:Increase the size/number of rollback segments 请问,如何加大rollback segment?
ora-01555 is normal error in oracle database. You can resize the rollback tablespace following suggestion. If you didn't know how to do it, please reference oracle database online document from OTN.
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