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XXXX experience will be a challenging one and need people who are excel at it.I am ready for challenges all the time.I took a lot of exigent courses instead of easy A courses,since I know it is challenges that make people get improve.Although I didn’t get as high GPA as other top students do,I can proudly say that I will never regret.I transferred to XXXX all the way back from XXXX merely because I eager to do things different and challenging.Now that XXXX is a great opportunity for me to see the world differently why should I hesitate to have a try?

XXXX experience 1.is a challenging one and 2.needs people who are excel at it.I am ready for challenges all the time.I 3.have taken a lot of exigent courses instead of easy A courses,since I know it is challenges that make people get 4.improved.Although I didn’t get as high GPA as other top students ,I can proudly say that I will never 5.regret doing it.I transferred to XXXX all the way back from XXXX merely because I 6.am eager to do 7.something different and challenging.Now that XXXX is a great opportunity for me to see the world differently,why should I hesitate to have a try?

不懂得怎样培养语言的理解能力和表达能力我不懂得怎样表达我想要说的话,对于语言的表达能力很差,通常的  2020-04-27 …

我国处于社会主义初级阶段,制定一切方针政策都必须以这个国情为依据,这是因为A.社会主义初级阶段是能  2020-05-13 …

把一个圆柱体横截两段,表面积增加30平方厘米;沿底面直径纵切,表面积增加40平方厘米.原来圆柱的表  2020-05-16 …

在一幅平面图上,用5厘米长的线段表示实际50米的距离.(1)这幅图上1厘米长的线段表示的实际距离在  2020-06-26 …

你能说出表盘上所标数据的意思是什么吗?(1)5A表示;(2)3000R/Kwh表示;(3)220V表  2020-11-29 …

对细胞全能性的表述正确的是()A.离体的人体细胞均具有全能性B.动物细胞融合标志着动物细胞全能性的实  2020-12-09 …

下面甲~丁图是某些常见的生物学曲线,有关叙述正确的是()A.甲图中ce段表示叶片只进行光合作用,不进  2020-12-24 …

高频能量表现形式有哪些?指无形的人的思想应该是能量的表现形式之一吧无形能量表现形式随着频率增高由声音  2020-12-25 …

关于力的描述,下面说法正确的是()A.作某力的图示时,若选定的标度不同,那么表示这个力的线段的长度就  2021-01-02 …

费用可能同时表现为资产的减少和负债的增加这句话为什么是正确的?下列关于费用的表述中,正确的有(ABD  2021-01-14 …