早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
假如你是李华,最近收到你的美国朋友Jenny的来信.她刚转入一所新学校,还不适应新环境,不知如何去结交新朋友,因而情绪低落,现请你给她回一封信 内容应包括:
假如你是李华,最近收到你的美国朋友Jenny的来信.她刚转入一所新学校,还不适应新环境,不知如何去结交新朋友,因而情绪低落,现请你给她回一封信 内容应包括:
Dear Jenny:
I am sorry to hear that you feel bad after entering a new school.
You should remember that it is very common and other students may face the same problem, so you don’t have to worry too much about it. There is also something that you can do to change this situation. First, try to invite some of you classmates to take part in some activities together after school. This will help you understand each other better by communicating with others. Then, help others when they are have difficulty.
Soon, I believe, you will make many new friends there.
Li Hua
I am sorry to hear that you feel bad after entering a new school.
You should remember that it is very common and other students may face the same problem, so you don’t have to worry too much about it. There is also something that you can do to change this situation. First, try to invite some of you classmates to take part in some activities together after school. This will help you understand each other better by communicating with others. Then, help others when they are have difficulty.
Soon, I believe, you will make many new friends there.
Li Hua
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