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I love my hometowns
My homeown is a beautiful place,located in a small mountain village in hubei province; There past towering mountains,tightly lush trees tall and straight up in the mountains,like a small young soldiers guarding their home; A clear bottoming out of the stream,and fish swimming drip; The mountain all the year round is a beautiful picture.
Spring,the mountain flowers colorful,beautiful!Look,the whole mountain like a sea of flowers; There lies a small river between two mountains in the distance,the clear water flow slowly.The little ducks on the water in the river in the play.
In summer,the branches of cicadas hot & quot; See,see & quot; Barked,below a peasant household chickens hot flapping his wings,quietly lying on the ground to rest; At the hot dog spit out the tongue & quot; Straight,straight & quot; Gasped for air and did not move.
Autumn,the mountain wild fruit ripe,red persimmon hanging on the branches like a red red lantern; Orange orange on the hillside,a gust of wind blowing,emitting the fragrance of sweet and sour.
In winter,the white snow on the ground,the tree,house,like to wear white silver everywhere.Children make a snowman,snowball fights to the snow,play can be happy.
My hometown is a year the four seasons scenery attractive,welcome you to visit my home town.
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