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 Car Services
Bring your car into Car Services today!We will clean your car and repair your engine at very reasonable prices.Drive your car into our workshop located at Xinhua Road,or make an appointment.Tel:719-5638.
Car Washing:¥10 Engine Repairing:Only¥180
Tyre(轮胎) Servicing:¥15 for each
 The building which saves people from bad weather.This building near the sea in New Orieans looks like something from a sei-fi film(科幻电影).It is over 360 meters high,and is designed to house up to 40,000 people,named the Noah.This building is strong enough to avoid the damages of bad weather.
 Beach Clean-up Day
We need volunteers to clean the beach!
Sunday,July 20
Meet at 8:30 am at Coast Square
Start at 9:00 am and end at noon
Bring bags and gloves.
For more information,call Zhang Lin at 564-0657.
 Apartment to Rent(出租)
A new spartment to be rented in the city center.One bedroom and one kitchen.Near the bus station at No.22 Changjiang Road.
Buses pass the front gate.
If you are interested,please have a look at the apartment or you can call Ms,Yu at 274-7130.
51.Mr.Wang needs to pay___for his car washing and engine repairing.
52.The Noah is built for___.
A.making sci-fi films
B.holding a concert
C.doing excercises
D.saving people from bad weather
53.Volunteers are supposed to bring___on beach clean-up day.
A.bags and golves
C.swimming suits
54.The new apartment to be rented is___.
A.on Xinhua Road
B.near the police station
C.at Coast Square
D.at No.22 Changjiang Road
55.Which of the following is not right according to the information above?___
A.The volunteers start cleaning up the beach at 9:00am.
B.The Noah is designed to house up to 40,000 people.
C.It's not convenient to take a bus near the apartment.
D.If you want to repair your car,you can call 719-5638.
51.答案B  细节理解题 由文中 Car Washing:¥10  Engine Repairing:Only¥180 可知 洗车:10美元¥发动机维修:180美元,故选B
52.答案D 细节理解题 由文中 The building which saves people from bad weather.This building is strong enough to avoid the damages of bad weather 可知 这是一个帮人们远离坏天气的建筑.这座建筑强大到足以避免恶劣天气造成的损失,故选D
53.答案A 细节理解题 由文中 Bring bags and gloves 可知 带袋子和手套,故选A
54.答案D 细节理解题 由文中 Near the bus station at No.22 Changjiang Road 可知 在长江路22号公交站附近,故选D
55.答案C 细节理解题 由文中 Near the bus station at No.22 Changjiang Road. Buses pass the front gate可知 在长江路22号公交站附近.公共汽车通过前门,可知C的表述错误.故选C