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For centuries magicians have used various ways to shock the audience. We all have seen how a   36   performer carefully steps   37   a bed of burning coals -- barefoot. Then he walks across   38   a single burn on his feet. Is it mind over matter or is it just physics? As it turns   __39  walking on burning coals isn’t that hot as   40  . “The coals are hot enough to   41 __  you but if you walk quickly across them you   42   being burned.” says Jonathan Hall a physician at Penn State University in Eric Pennsylvania.
That’s because some coals are made   43   burning wood chips. Wood has two   44__   properties(特性)for fire-walking explains Hall. First wood is an insulator(绝缘体)--it doesn’t   __ 45   heat very well. “It   46 _ time for heat to travel   47   the wood to your feet.” Hall says. If the performer walked across red-hot metal   48  that would truly be   49  because metal conducts or transmits heat very well. The metal would   50   burn a performer’s feet.
Second wood has a low specific heat-- it doesn’t take much heat to   51   its temperature. Heat is a form of   52  . Temperature is a   53   of heat in units of degrees. So   54   the coals are hot the value(数值)of heat energy they contain is low. Thus a well-trained performer can   55   such an amazing result.
Still you don’t want to walk on burning coals do you?

A.daring B.dare C.rough D.fearful
A.at B.over C.on D.above
A.with B.within C.without D.over
A.out B.on C.off D.in
A.imagine B.imagined C.imagining D.to imagine
A.fire B.burn C.light D.flame
A.prevent B.keep C.ignore D.avoid
A.off B.from C.of D.in
A.ideal B.classic C.favorite D.standard
A.transmit B.communicate C.bring D.send
A.gathers B.takes C.gains D.stands
A.through B.into C.over D.pass
A.unhappy B.unharmed C.unhealthy D.unprepared
A.charming B.magical C.tricky D.fashionable
A.instantly B.constantly C.frequently D.lately
A.produce B.raise C.construct D.create
A.power B.source C.energy D.strength
A.measure B.rank C.estimate D.rate
A.what if B.however C.as if D.even though
A.achieve B.arrive C.draw D.take


【小题20】A 解析
分 析:

【小题1】A考查形容词词义辨析及语境理解。此处daring勇敢的; dare敢; rough粗糙的;fearful害怕的。我们都看见过一位勇敢的(daring)表演者小心地光着脚在燃烧的煤炭上走。
【小题2】C考查介词的用法。此处at在……点上;over跨越……之上;on在……上面; above在……上方。我们都看见过一位勇敢的表演者小心地光着脚在燃烧的煤炭上(on)走。
【小题3】C考查介词的用法。此处with拥有;within在……之内;without没有; over在……之上。他走过燃烧的煤炭但他的脚上没有(without)一点烫伤。
【小题4】A考查副词的用法。此处turn out意为:结果……。结果是,在燃烧的煤炭上行走没有它被想象的那么热。
【小题5】B考查非谓语动词的用法。此处相当于walking on burning coals isn’t that hot as it is imagined. 结果是,在燃烧的煤炭上行走没有它被想象的那么热。故选B。
【小题7】D考查动词词义辨析。此处prevent阻止; keep保持;ignore忽视; avoid避免。如果你足够快地走过,你就会不被烧着。
【小题8】B考查介词及短语的用法。 此处be made of意为:由……组成。那是因为煤炭是有燃烧的木块构成。木头有两个理想的特征能使人在上面走过。
【小题9】A考查形容词词义辨析。此处ideal理想的;classic经典的; favorite  最喜欢的;standard标准的。那是因为煤炭是有燃烧的木块构成。木头有两个理想的(ideal)特征能使人在上面走过。
【小题10】A考查动词词义辨析。此处transmit传导;communicate交流; bring   带来; send送递。木头是绝缘体,它不能很好地传递热量。
【小题11】B考查动词词义辨析。此处gathers聚集; takes花费时间; gains获得;stands忍受。木头需要时间把热量从木头传到你的脚上。
【小题12】A考查介词的用法。此处through穿过; into进入;over跨越;pass通过。木头需要时间把热量从木头传到你的脚上。
【小题13】B考查形容词词义辨析。此处unhappy不高兴的;unharmed不受伤害的; unhealthy不健康的; unprepared无准备的。如果表演者走过红热的金属而不受伤害(unharmed),那是真正的魔力。因为金属导热快,金属会很快地灼伤表演者的脚。
【小题14】B考查形容词词义辨析。此处charming迷人的; magical有魔力的; tricky耍把戏的; fashionable时尚的。如果表演者走过红热的金属而不受伤害,那是真正的魔力(magical)。因为金属导热快,金属会很快地灼伤表演者的脚。
【小题15】A考查副词词义辨析。此处instantly迅速地; constantly不断地; frequently频繁地;lately最近。如果表演者走过红热的金属而不受伤害,那是真正的魔力。因为金属导热快,金属会很快地(instantly)灼伤表演者的脚。
【小题16】B考查动词词义辨析。此处produce产生; raise提升;提高; construct建设;create创造。木头拥有特殊的热量,他不需要很多热量提高(raise)温度。
【小题17】C考查名词词义辨析及常识。此处power权利,电力;source资源; energy能量; strength力量。热量是能量的一种形式。温度是热量的衡量标准以度来计量。
【小题18】A考查名词词义辨析及常识。此处measure量度;rank等级;estimate估计; rate比率。热量是能量的一种形式。温度是热量的衡量标准以度来计量。
【小题19】D考查状语从句的连接词。此处what if要是;however然而;as if 好像; even though即使。所以即使煤炭是热的,但它含有的热量也是低的。所以受过良好训练的表演者能实现令人惊讶的结果。
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