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帮我写一篇英文作文,关於对巴士的意见 例如对巴士满不满意,Why and why not.字数为1分钟读稿...
Ladies and Gentleman,
I am here to present my reviews of current bus service levels.
It is necessary that the focus should be on what commuters need — improve bus capacity and congestion levels,frequency and reliability.
The goal is clear — reduce waiting time,increase the predictability of bus journey times,improve the chances of getting onboard and provide better information to commuters.However,announcements made to improve the public transport system,the primary concern is still the commuters' daily experience.
Furthermore,the Public Transport Council should work with the operators to raise the current quality of service standards further.The public transport operators need to follow through to provide better service delivery to meet the higher standards that commuters are looking for.The Public Transpore Counsil will also need to audit and regulate more tightly to ensure these standards are met.
Besides,it is suggested to have significantly more buses (and bus captains) added to the existing fleet of buses.To study carefully how the Government can help the operators grow their bus fleet and captains in a sustainable manner is hight needed.
In order to bring about some quick improvements on the ground,the Land Transport Authority is encouraged to work with the operators to allow some of the older buses which are nearing the end of their planned lifespan to be extended on a temporary basis.Commuters are also suggested to continue providing feedback to grassroots organisations and the Transport Authority so that they can carry out verifications and prioritise the areas of improvement in the review.
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