早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
If you walk there,It will take you about half an hour.
If we go by train/take the train,it will take us about an hour to get there.
Oh,it took me about 12 hours to fly from HK to New Zealand.I was bushed.
I drove there; it took me only 15 minutes.Pretty close.
How long does it take to get to North Shore by bus from here?
It takes about 12 hours to fly from HK to NZ.
I cycle from home to school.It takes me an hour and 45 minutes.
(Native speakers will say “Yes,OK." if you say "It takes me an hour and 45 minutes to get to school from my home by bike." but they actually will not say that.It is the English in English textbooks in China.Correct but not natural.)
If you walk there,It will take you about half an hour.
If we go by train/take the train,it will take us about an hour to get there.
Oh,it took me about 12 hours to fly from HK to New Zealand.I was bushed.
I drove there; it took me only 15 minutes.Pretty close.
How long does it take to get to North Shore by bus from here?
It takes about 12 hours to fly from HK to NZ.
I cycle from home to school.It takes me an hour and 45 minutes.
(Native speakers will say “Yes,OK." if you say "It takes me an hour and 45 minutes to get to school from my home by bike." but they actually will not say that.It is the English in English textbooks in China.Correct but not natural.)
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