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Where to put my dressing table and chest of drawers?
1. 这不是符合语法的疑问句.按语法应该这样问:
Where do put my dressing table and chest of drawers? 我把梳妆台和五斗柜摆哪呢?
Where should I put my dressing table and chest of drawers? 我该把我的梳妆台和五斗柜摆哪呢?
疑问句的结构: 疑问词 + 助动词 + 主语 + 句子的其余部分
2. where to put my dressing table and chest of drawers 是一个由where引出的动词不定时短语,可充当一个句子成分, 例如:
1) I wonder where to put my dressing table and chest of drawers. (做宾语)
2) Where to put my dressing table and chest of drawers is indeed a problem. (做主语)
3)I am thinking about the problme where to put my dressing table and chest of drawers. (做 the problem 的同位语)
3. 若要问 Where to put my dressing table and chest of drawers 的内部成分,那么
1) where 动词不定时的连接副词.
2)to put 动词不定式
3)my dressing table and chest of drawers 动词不定式 to put 的宾语.