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selective reading or extensive reading?
knowledge is the power of human to progress and reading is the best way to obtain knowledge.Someone likes to select books to his taste reading again and again when others would rather like to lost themselves in the sea of knowledge without sifting.Which one is better?
From my point of view,the two choices are not opposite and everyone should balance it well.Selective reading prove our major level to make us stand out in the field.To study a section cost lots of energy but result great achivement.Extensive reading open one vision and supply with more ways to consider the world.In nowadays,many objects come into a river and have complex relations from each other,extensive reading help us understand it better.They are two sides of a coin.As a modern man,handle them and do you a man of great knowledge.
knowledge is the power of human to progress and reading is the best way to obtain knowledge.Someone likes to select books to his taste reading again and again when others would rather like to lost themselves in the sea of knowledge without sifting.Which one is better?
From my point of view,the two choices are not opposite and everyone should balance it well.Selective reading prove our major level to make us stand out in the field.To study a section cost lots of energy but result great achivement.Extensive reading open one vision and supply with more ways to consider the world.In nowadays,many objects come into a river and have complex relations from each other,extensive reading help us understand it better.They are two sides of a coin.As a modern man,handle them and do you a man of great knowledge.
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