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求助英语作文《why living off campus is popular》
提示词有:service,personality,internet,free,regulation,privacy,stay up,dormitory
Why living off campus is popular
XiaoQing,an college student of grade two,recently moved out of her campus to a community near by,mainly due to noisy roommates.
Personally,I am for this idea.Coz living off campus can give us more freedom,and provide us with more excellent services than your campus could,such as air conditioners during summer,good circumstances for us to learn cook for our own.Also the problem bothers XiaoQing - noisy roommates(often staying up all night and chatting with their boyfriends all night),is also an insurmountable problem faced by students almost everywhere,thus made the phenomenon prevail among college students.What's more,school dormitories often doesn't provide students with Internet access.That's another strong reason for students to move out.Also,campus life also intervenes personalities from developing healthily,that's a good excuse for students to live out of their schools.
But living off campus also has its disadvantages.Firstly,the parents of those students are most perturbed by the security.However,this problem won't arise while living in the campus.And secondly,living off campus is sure to go against the regulations of most colleges,though few of the colleges interfered directly.
I think this problem is still open to debate.
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