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根据下列内容写一封感谢信 你是天津的王平 在美国纽约期间受到史密斯夫妇的友好款待 向他们表示感谢 希望他们近期来天津时能有机会接待他们 时间2010年6月10日
希望这个可以帮到你.Dear Ms.Shelby :I would like to thank you for interviewing me for the position of Communications Manager in STE Bank.I would specially like to express thanks for taking out the time to explain the job profile and the organizational structure in such detail.After interacting with you,I am confident that my previous experience in Public Relations will enable me to execute the job responsibilities successfully.During the interview,I neglected to mention that I also have experience of handling crisis management,something that will be an asset to the organization in the current scenario.I would love to have an opportunity to work in a reputed organization like STE Bank.A first class Masters degree in Public Relations,with over 6 years experience in this industry,will help me execute the job responsibilities successfully.I will also be able to leverage my wide network of contacts to get more publicity for the organization.I once again wish to thank you for your time and consideration.I look forward to hearing from you regarding the interview.Sincerely yours,Kevin

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英语作文给英国笔友Brain写一封感谢信三年前:你来到新的班级,没有朋友,感到孤独三年中Brain  2020-06-21 …

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第二节:书面表达(满分25分)61.假设你是李华,是天津某中学的高三学生。你的英国网友Jim发来电  2020-07-17 …

根据下列内容写一封感谢信你是天津的王平在美国纽约期间受到史密斯夫妇的友好款待向他们表示感谢希望他们近  2020-11-01 …

一篇英语作文,以下是题目.假设你收到一封英国朋友Adam的来信.信中说今年夏天他要来天津学习汉语希望  2020-11-12 …

英语翻译我在天津呆了多久?(现在已经不在天津了)我觉得不该用havebeen,因为那样意思就是:你来  2020-11-25 …

眼界,常用来借指见识的广度.在学校举行的某项活动中、在你津津有味的阅读中、在你饱览山川的游历中、在你  2020-12-10 …

英语)《感谢信》1.假定你是天津的王旭.2.你在美国纽约期间曾受到史密斯夫妇的友好款待,向他表示感谢  2021-01-15 …

49(2010·天津市蓟县下营中学高三第一次模拟)假定你是李华,常和英国笔友Harry通信。上周你给  2021-01-26 …