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从供选择的答案中选出应填入下列叙述中( )内的正确答案:SQL是一种(A) 语言,集(B) 功能于一体,SQL查询语句的一种典型句型是:SELECTX1,X2,..,,XnFROMA1,A2,...,AmWHERE F其中Xi(i=1,2,…,n)、Aj(j=1,2,…,m)、F分别是(C) 。设
从供选择的答案中选出应填入英语文句中()的正确的答案。You should be (A) of developing your program, using something better than the method that uses the philosophy: write (B) d
从供选择的答案中选出应填入下列叙述中( )内的正确答案:视觉上对彩色的感觉有3个特征,反映颜色种类的特征叫(A) ,反映颜色深浅程度的叫(B) ,二者有时通称为(C) ,另外还有一个特征叫(D) 。彩数(color depth)是指(E),其单位为bpp。供选择的答案A:①色调 ②纯度 ③反差 ④
从供选择的答案中选出应填入下列叙述中( )内的正确答案:关系型数据库语言SQL目前得到了越来越广泛的使用。SQL基本的使用方式有两种,即它可以单独使用,称为(A) ,也可以在用高级语言编写的应用程序中使用,称为(B) ,这时相应的高级语言称为(C) 。从SQL数据库的体系结构角度来看,用户可以用S
从供选择的答案中选出应填入英语文句中()内的正确的答案。By using MP3, a 600M-byte music CD can be (A) to 50M bytes or less. It can be streamed (downloaded in chunks) so that you
从供选择的答案中选出应填入英语文句中()的正确的答案。Software quality assurance is now an (A) sub-discipline of software engineering. As Buckly and Oston point out, (B) softwa
从供选择的答案中选出应填入英语文句中()内的正确的答案。Software design is a(A) process. It requires a certain (B) of flair on the part of the designer. Design can not be learne
从供选择的答案中选出应填入英语文句中()的正确的答案。Software products may be (A) into four basic types: application programs, programming language processors, operating syste
从供选择的答案中选出应填入英语文句中()的正确的答案。The C programming language has (A) one of the most (B) programming languages, and it has been implemented on most personal
从供选择的答案中选出应填入英语文句中()的正确的答案。PCs originated as stand-alone (A), however, in recent years many have been (B) to Local Area Networks (LANs). In a LAN, th