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AS公司2008年3月1日购入S公司22.5万股股票作为交易性金融资产,每股价格为6元。5月15日收到E公司分派的现金股利4.50万元。收到分派的股利后,AS公司2008年6月30日交易性金融资产的公允价值为每股8元。则2008年6月30日资产负债表中“交易性金融资产”项目填列的金额为( )万元。
22 Which of the following items may appear in a company’s statement of changes in equity, according to IAS 1 Presentation of financial statements?1 U
For this part, assume today’s date is 15 August 2005.5 (a) Donald is aged 22, single, and about to finish his university education. He has plans to s