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共找到 44 与operate 相关的结果,耗时1 ms rss sitemap
5 Jones and Cousin, a public quoted company, operate in twenty seven different countries and earn revenue and incurcosts in several currencies. The g
(b) GHG has always used local labour to build and subsequently operate hotels. The directors of GHG are againconsidering employing a local workforce
(b) Donald actually decided to operate as a sole trader. The first year’s results of his business were not as he hadhoped, and he made a trading loss
●(73)operate by distributing a workload evenly over multiple back end nodes. Typically the cluster will be configured with multiple redundant load-ba
operate by distributing a workload evenly over multiple back end nodes.Typically the cluster will be configured with multiple redundant load-balancin
A.application layerB.session layerC.transport layerD.network layerE.datalink layerF.physical layer
A.application layerB.session layerC.transport layerD.network layerE.datalink layerF.physical layer